van Gogh

Yesterday was a very powerful and glorious day for me. In the morning I had two opportunities to dive deep into some previously hidden shadow material and access greater liberation. And then I met my friend Karin Vastola to see the van Gogh experience.
When I first got to my friends house I shared with her one of my biggest revelations about the neutrality of evil. I only had to say about 10 words and she started nodding her head emphatically in agreement. Yay. When I tried to explain this to others it hasn’t gone as easily.
Then we spoke about how each of us is impacted by the intensity of the current speed up in frequency downloads. Hers is more physical response. Mine is primarily emotional with some physical.
I was deeply moved by the van Gogh exhibition immersive experience. I was unaware that van Gogh was considered color blind and that his vibrant strong colors were deeply influenced by this. Van Gogh was diagnosed schizophrenic, had epilepsy and had many psychotic episodes.
I was thinking about what would happen if my friend and I lived back then. Given the density of the planet at that time, if I lived then with the level of awareness I have now, I too would probably have been or perhaps was schizophrenic or psychotic. I wondered what would happen if Van Gogh lived now with the awareness and brilliance of his vision. Would he find it possible to live with his incredible access to beauty and wonder Without psychotic breaks now that the human planetary frequency has raised above 200?
Sometimes both my friend and I find it very challenging to keep up with the level of awareness being downloaded into us. Some of the experiences my friend has had has my mouth hanging open both at the depths of challenge and at the level of awareness and vision. I felt so connected to van Gogh and some of his words. Perhaps I’ll add them later. To be immersed in images of his work moved me greatly.
I felt a sense of connection to him and his work and how profoundly difficult it must’ve been not to be recognized in his lifetime. I felt how difficult it must’ve been for his brother who loved him so much and had to see him suffer so greatly. Even his sisters didn’t appreciate his work.
Thank you Vincent from the bottom of my heart for what you have given the world. I believe at some level you will hear me. And for that I am grateful.
And as an aside it was actually difficult for me to trust that I could have this experience without something going south on me. The energy has been so intense lately I never know how it will affect me. To trust that I could make it all happen gracefully particularly because I’m recovering from a physical frequency light upgrade otherwise known as the flu. It took actually great courage for me to simply trust all would fall into place. The day unfolded with miraculous grace. It was a truly wondrous experience. So much gratitude.
May be art of flowerMay be an image of flowerMay be an image of 2 people and indoor

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