superpower of sensitivity

TODAY’S relationship focus is on being highly sensitive and KNOWING this as a superpower. Yahoo!
Because those energetically sensitive can be the canary in the coal mine, unable to tolerate discord, cruelty, division and so on, life on earth can be an interesting ride. Yet the good news, at least to me, is it forces one to seek inner freedom early on. Prevailing energies almost force us to get on with clearing and integrating shadow, conditioning and programming. For most of my life this felt like a curse.
I was anxious 100% of the time without knowing it until 1997 when I had an energy treatment and was anxiety free for two week! I had actually been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and had a Master’s in Spiritual and Counseling Psychology yet still did not know I was anxious as I had never not been anxious to know the difference.
Now I was a bulldog on a pork chop to get free and back to the peace of being at rest in Self. A zillion experiences later, now 2021 and my friend John was supporting me in grounding on earth AND claiming sensitivity as my super power. I used the phrase as a mantra and theoretically, I got it. Experientially, was feeling crushed.
July and August felt unbearable until I was REALLY ready to choose again. A miracle occurred and from one minute to the next, the extreme anxiety abated. This was after years of being anxiety free. But still sensitivity? Not so much.
Then 2/22/22 rolled around and energy went stratospheric. Yet somehow now, while the body was needing tremendous rest and non activity, the heart began to soar. Energy was met more with gratitude then resistance. Miracles flowed more commonly. Best of all, the inner separation began to fade big time.
I began laughing often, huge belly laughs. I saw the sweet absurdity of the human condition and developed ever greater compassion even. for those that used to drive me up the wall. Freedom and spaciousness became increasing common along with such a gentle eace. I felt connected to others as never before.
In the last few days the last remaining doubt has dropped away and all that remains is an inner yes. Now I can say it and mean with my heart, mind and soul: Sensitivity IS my super power and yours too if you are an HSP. Bows of deep gratitude to each of us that has willing taken that journey fast tracking inner freedom and the end of separation. Yahoo!!!

Savannah Hanson

Reading this book now: Untamed

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