While I can certainly feel the desire to go into victim with these high intensity’s yet I prefer to rest in gratitude. Nature is one of the things I am most grateful for. The first series of pictures were taken on this property and were things that until a few years ago I didn’t pay any attention to. Despite the fact that my wasband (ex) would bring flowers into the house that were growing wildly on the property, I still didn’t pay attention. Now nature has my attention powerfully and to me is a key to moving through these high frequencies.
The other key for me is “holy relationship.” Particularly over the last week or so every day I have the opportunity to meet with one or more people or a circumstance where I am held in presence. A number of times I was caught in either a giant fear, a limiting belief, a labyrinth in my own mind and someone came and held me in such spaciousness. This is the greatest gift of all to me. When this mind gets caught in a trap and others validate that belief I sink like a rocket ship sometimes. And when alternatively people hold me in a loving space I am so blessed. I find myself reaching heights of awareness I have never known. So many have contributed to my well-being in the last week in particular and month in general. To me this is the antidote of these times nature and connecting in presence. May each of us be blessed with both of these gifts. With those two gifts I truly wonder how quickly humanity will jump to an incredibly new level of love and interconnection.
PS just a little heads up. These high intensity’s can affect the nervous system and the cardiovascular system. I was almost off blood pressure medication and now I had to go back to a half dose. Take good care of yourself
:: Unprecedented Light Levels :: We are deep in a unique stargate opening which commenced last week.
Plasma anomalies and out-of-nowhere geomagnetic storms had popped up on the linear charts, and continue to compliment this reality-shifting passage. Even science is noting these cosmic forces as unusual.
This passage of brand new frequencies flowing through the stargates continues through April 25.
Some notes:
– The anxiety many of you are feeling is the tremendous expansion of Crystalline Lightbody these new harmonics bring. It also is a reality-shifter, so the collective feels the impending changes, regardless of being awake or aware of it. Sensitive folks may pre-cog upcoming global revelations.
– Reminder: Your Heart Center is a stargate. As we become ONE with the organic stargate systems, we become a conduit of these new energies. Be diligent with heart-care, hydration, meditation, exercise and meridian flows, since geomagentic activity, flares and plasma influxes affect the physical cardiovascular system and heart.
– Plasma anomalies at the Solar and Galactic scale are reflections of this new light, codes, and organic stargate flows. These are literal reality-shifting, veil-lifting, quantum free will revelations taking place.
– Have you noticed how intense the SUN is right now? Crystalline structures can feel like carbonation or intense tingling in direct SUNlight. These are very strong codes and literal radiation. Don’t overdo exposure – and don’t hide from it either. Solar flashing is consistent, intensifying and permeating the lower constructs in a new way.
– As always, request the plants, minerals, crystal beds, animals, aquifers, and elementals to express their Ascended Crystalline state. They release energies, plasma and codes when we do this. It does shift the weather patterns, however that is inevitable. No stagnant or controlled patterns pay forward.
– Expect the next few weeks to shake many souls awake, by way of revealing the cosmic shifts. All focus on amplifying your highest reality choice of unconditional love and Ascension.
– The main focus in this Gate opening is on Freedom Codes, Revelation and Resurrection of the Golden Race DNA. However there is also a new level of perception, a clear Divine perspective that is presenting. FEEL this perception change. Take time to witness it.
– Dismantling will amplify again. The Ancients of Days, Paradise SUNs and Divine Teams reinforced the guidance from our last webinar; this is a moment to completely align with your Creator BEingness and give no energetic support (judgment, worry, emphasizing negative outcomes) to the external chaotic spells. Care, but don’t carry. Divine Neutrality allows for best choice in the moment, based on love and a (very) broad perspective for highest outcomes. Divine neutrality is aligned action, not reaction.
Because #Ascension Sandra Walters