death by despair

Within 48 hours i have heard from a number of people who feel either they can’t make it, they want to die, they want off the planet. For those who have chosen to awaken, the speedup particularly since the solstice can be quite radical.
As we approach out deepest shadow material after however long it took to peel off the outer layers, it can get a bit gnarly. Yesterday as part of my mandatory Continuing Education for my license, I had to take a course on suicide. No surprise it on the upswing and deaths of despair may (if it hasn’t already) outstrip the virus yet nobody seems to be paying attention. Just looked it up and saw 10-60% rise in suicides since the virus, particularly amongst men and the rate higher for different age groups.
While it is easy to drop in to a victim stance with the intensity, to me it is clearly serving to accelerate this awakening of consciousness. While most of the suicides probably have little to do with those who are awakening, it is still sobering. I do’t know why these higher frequencies are in what I perceive to be hyper drive. I know this. Matt Kahn: time vs, intensity. Tolle: those with big pain-bodies most likely to get free.
I write this as at least one person seemed to think she was alone with this. I personally went through a few rounds of this. Several times last year was really concerned the pressure was too intense to survive. Of course, at one level that is true. The false self will die off. Almost exactly a decade ago I came the closest I have ever come to the edge of life itself. Yet it was only that pressure that motivated me to go the distance. So if this is you, know that is seems many if not most go through this passageway. I know several had actual near death experiences with the body being declared dead. This sense of annihilation can be quite terrifying. You are not alone. Get help if needed. Listed below is a 24/7 number. Yes this can be a gateway to higher consciousness yet that does not make the passageway any more fun. Empaths, HSP (highly sensitive people), light-workers may be particularly hard hit. As an enneagram four seeing how many famous fours committed suicide, not particularly inspiring. Those on the edges of society, the creatives, path blazers have always had their work cut out. I send you my love and blessings along with a giant hug.
Speak with someone today
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish. Learn more

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