While this will be happening at 2:02AM in California, if your timezone permits, my sense is this is a vital ritual and would benefit from all those called to participate to lift humanity to the tipping point of consciousness to ignite the New Earth. Highly recommended. Personally I am being guided to even more connection to nature. On my walk today I was guided to hug many tress, lay on different rocks with skin contact. I believe the time of the exact conjunction of Jupiter/ Saturn n Monday during the solstice is 10:20 AM Pacific but now can’t find the time if anyone can confirm. This is a POWERFUL gateway into higher consciousness. I know many are feeling like they are being laid out, getting their butts kicked physically or emotionally. If one is able to allow the sensations to pass through viscerally, stay focused as much as possible on gratitude and love, this is an extraordinary opportunity for purification and integration. May we each be able to ride this wave straight to freedom for ourselves, our loved ones, our communities, our countries, our planet, out multi-verse. We so got this!
“Bottom line: Jupiter and Saturn will have their 2020 great conjunction on December 21, the day of the December solstice. These two worlds will be visibly closer in our sky than they’ve been since medieval times, in 1226. At their closest, Jupiter and Saturn will be only 0.1 degree apart.” https://earthsky.org/…/great-jupiter-saturn-conjunction…
Jupiter and Saturn’s great conjunction is December 21 | EarthSky.org
Jupiter and Saturn will be closest – only 0.1 degrees apart – on the day of the solstice, December 21, 2020. They’re already amazing! Info, charts, photos here.