The joy experiment:
The simple truth is that where attention goes energy flows. This has become increasingly obvious. For quite some period of time my attention has been going to where things have been headed south, limitations have been imposed on us, fear seems to be served on every menu. But over the days of the full moon that simply became intolerable to keep my attention there. Listening to spiritual “leaders“ was extremely activating to this nervous system as they spoke seemingly incessantly about intensity.
It became clear to me that this was not the place for me to put my attention and I recommitted to my joy experiment. But in the past there always had been a back door in which my attention shifted back-and-forth.
Now that no longer is viable if I wish to sleep. So yesterday I was fully committed to Joy no matter what unfolded. I noticed I was much more present. I actually was able to notice how incredibly beautiful the leaves are. Too many times I’ve simply driven past with my eyes glazed over with whatever news of the day seems to dominate my mind. I was guided to buy a toy for a few dollars and witnessed how much joy it brought to me. I had incredible encounters with people and felt so much joy and love. At the hardware store I mistakenly touched the man’s arm that was helping me. I was so delighted with how supportive he was being, so kind. I apologized for the touch but he said it was absolutely OK and I felt so connected to him. Each person I met felt like a dance of unity and love. When I got home I made myself a pot of chicken soup, laid in my Hammock And felt an extraordinary peace. I participated in a circle where I was able to express my grief at the divisiveness of the current situation. I could allow my grief with the same willingness I allowed the joy and peace.
Something shifted in my inner landscape and there was a new peace, a new desire to be in my own energy field. I was meant to talk to someone last night but felt the desire to stay in my own stillness. I have made an irrevocable commitment to keep my attention on joy, and what brings me joy. I am no longer willing to put my attention elsewhere no matter how compelling it seems to be. I’m a frequency holder and if my frequency is in the trash I’m not very useful to myself or others. Over 30 hours I was in three groups with about 25 people. All but three were flipped out. So this tells me that most peoples attention is being captured by what they don’t want. Where we place our attention is a critical importance. Given as Homer reminded us yesterday that 60 to 90% of all illness and accidents, according to the Harvard medical school, is caused by stress this seems rather important. trust me I know this commitment is no small thing and I am willing to fail at it as many times as may unfold. There in lies my freedom. Will you join with me and keeping your attention on joy and love? If so I absolutely know that your own experience and the experience of this planet will flow more smoothly. Feel free to join me in the joy experiment. The more the merrier.
Oh and I forgot to mention a huge part of this commitment is to no longer listen to the spiritual leaders that activate this nervous system. I was in the 1994 Los Angeles earthquake. I noticed that when I looked out my window all was well but when I watch the news I was totally flipped out. That it’s part of what I have been noticing. If I look at my own life and my own circumstances I am fine. But if I listen to what supposed to be happening in my life, what others tell me might happen in my life, or even spiritual leaders tell me might happen in my life, I’m in the future freaked out. So now I am simply going to live my life focused on Joy and see what unfolds. This is a life worth living for me. My friend DJ is telling me about Bashar and how he says to commit to our joy and passion. Now I am taking it more seriously than ever.
A major factor in the experiment is being in the new. Many times when the energy is intense I want to simply lay in my hammock. But yesterday I made myself get up and go to the gym and practice chi gong for the first time since March. The née instructed me to take vacations when I’d rather stay close to home. I go to the river rather than lay in my hammock, Extend myself to people I might otherwise pass by. I take extended trips even when fear snd the old tells me I won’t be able to handle it.In every moment I am willing to be in the new and leave the old identity behind.
And I want to take a moment to thank my miracle buddy Tiina. It was our conversation on Monday that help me pull out of the trance of the split mind. Anytime I put my attention on the split mind, fear, I will always suffer. Now my motivation is at a critical level because I am simply exhausted by the suffering. Thank you my darling Tiina.
(the video of my toy won’t download yet trust me, it is fun)