Darlings, have to share a huge celebration. Within the space of 15 minutes all of this happens. I get a code red telling me there is a mandatory evaluation about 10 miles from me. I had gotten up early to take my walk before extreme heat kicks in and before an early morning group. I get in the group and internet knocks me out, I get back in the group and then the power goes off. It will be 103 degrees today with record high evening temps and the heat in 100’s should last anther week or so. And in the background, I have an ass covered in poison oak which believe me is not a convenient place to have it. I did get to do my check in in the group before I got knocked out and the power goes off. I call to report it and they tell me my power is on. I hate to disagree but really it is not. So they say they will send a technician. Last time the AT&T (not PG&E) technician only took 6 weeks until they showed. And how can I do my sessions without a phone?
Here is the miracle. My body was calm! The nervous system was more or less neutral. Holy cow, I would have said that was impossible even 6 weeks ago. This has been one of my greatest challenges and to have all that happen and stay calm. Ticker tape parade, drinks for everyone. Trust me if this chick has pulled it off, anybody can.
And no worries, power is back. And the fire is small so I trust all will be well.