Joe is today’s earth angel. No angel doesn’t cut it. Maybe muscle alchemist. Story to follow.
later: oh sh*t, didn’t proofread. Was suppose to say miracle alchemist but he is rather muscular (and looks good) so I will let it stand. Having a giggle attack.
So this is what unfolded. My intention for the Lion’s gate was/is to KNOW I can not only survive a planet currently playing out such density and duality in a deep state of unconsciousness but actually enjoy it. Given how this nervous system has done thus far in this life, this has seemed like mission impossible. Interestingly, a friend just messaged me he has the same dilemma he is passing through, the same lie. So enter Joe whom I have known for over three years. Having the joy of witnessing his rapid and profound transformation has been a profound privilege. I asked him one of my favorite questions: to live your ideal life, what do you have to believe about yourself. My answer right now is that I can be happy and peaceful on earth, feel safe here. I asked him my question and he had no answer! There was nothing further he needs to believe/ know about himself as he already experiences himself as inwardly unlimited. The guy is incredibly peaceful and feels good! Yes, stop the stresses, this man has. To be in the physical Presence of someone not running much duality through their nervous system while in one of my favorite place on earth was beyond scrumptious!
In July I truly wondered if I could stick the planet as the fear quotient rises. Even going into town often is not enjoyable as I feel the density. Yet to be with someone In a place I call Eden having the most meaningful and delicious conversation, PARADISE! In addition he asked to carry my backpack to and from the river. Tears come to my eyes as I write this. Living alone completely for the last year and without adult support or family around for over nine years has not been an easy gig so his simple offer has tears leaking from these eyes as I write this. Yes, it touched me deeply.
In addition I told him I was a bit embarrassed about how hard it can be for me to get to the river as for some time my balance has been affected by incoming energies and the trail is steep and slick. He was beyond gracious and kind and made me feel there was absolutely nothing wrong with this. He supported me at tricky spots.
Then being in that place fully present as our two energies commingled was awesome. I felt so connected to the rocks, the water, Gia in an even deeper way. Watching the water run through my fingers surpassed my deepest university drug experiences. The sense of relaxation in his body helped me move through some energetic blocks in mine and I felt the synergy of our energies. Now mind you, this is all my experience. I can’t say what his experience was. Yet whatever he might say would not change mine.
I also was delighted he was in no hurry to leave. He was the first person I have gone to the river with who was willing to stay as long as I wished. The sun was setting as we left.
This encounter shows me the possibilities of relationships on the new earth. It has been my vision for so long and I experience it with a number of relationships online, most of whom live in Europe. To be with someone and experience this in person, glorious!!!!!
And I forgot one of the best parts, he gave me one of the greatest compliments of my life, saying I have been his open heart guide. Yahoo!