Eclipse energies and transmutation

Ok loves, I know a lot of us are getting some serious ass kicking energies and the impulse to go into victim may be overwhelming. here’s the deal friends. These love energies come bearing huge gifts for those with eyes to see.
Now since the energy can be VERY PRIMAL, the tendency to fully identify with and believe what the five sense are showing may feel irrefutable. Yet they are simply showing us what lies we are still believing, what ego BS is still running the inner show. We may be uncovering core programs that have crippled us all our lives or even lifetimes.
So while the tendency is possibly to cry uncle or bloody murder or both, stay the course sweeties. Meaning what? See if we can back off of identifying with what the senses are telling us. if we can observe what is arising rather then dive in. Not easy I know. Can we simply witness what lies the pain body is promoting. If it is not peace, love, tie die, it is a lie. Simple rule to follow if you want to verify the validity of what is coming up.
A story of a character named savannah to illustrate. May 1 & 3 were the worst days in a decade with almost zero ability not to misidentify with what was arising for this one. Not even the beloved Yuba initially put a dent in the identification, and here is the kicker didn’t even think of it till this moment. I lost my ID and my fav earrings at the river. I was flipping thinking what will i do without driver’s license will be pain to get new one with shut down until I felt how that thought impacted me and decided to choose again, choose peace, choose to know all is well. Minutes later I got home to hear the police had called me to say someone had turned ID into station already AND my beloved sister had gone back and found the earrings! So no problem.
Then on the 3rd I went into an energy that felt inescapable and incredibly painful. I felt paralyzed, unable to move or break identification. Took 7 hours of being in HELL! Here is what I later saw. For 7 hours I experienced the same energy as I did as child, inescapable panic, not feeling safe, feeling trapped, feeling alone. It felt unbearable as an adult, as a woman with years of consciousness training, degrees, years working as therapist! Imagine what it was to experience as a child.
Fast forward to Friday when I was given information that shattered my first chakra flimsy foundation. It revealed the belief that I could not feel safe on earth, that given the prevailing circumstances with my nervous system and childhood, I was just screwed. This one’s first chakra was severely traumatized in childhood. For about 14 years I had nightmares every night and usually a repetitive one where I was thrown into a pool of sharks after a cannonball blew a perfect hole through my third chakra/ belly. So I just had to survive the energy of survival fears Saturday but I was not fully identified this time, I could see a glimpse of light. I knew that I had no ability to validate the information I was given, that I was so far out of balance that I was no capable of knowing what was “true.” And mySelf told me to be careful, to drive slowly, to be fully aware of how stunned I was. And I gave myself full permission to just sit with the energy Saturday with as much mercy as possible. Flash to today and yesterday as the intensity broke apart. Two miracle buddies (thank you) helped me break the trance that I had already begun to poke holes in and mySelf was able to be heard and allowed to bring back wholeness. This whole process has helped me access to a greater degree what felt like mission impossible for so long, the ability to enjoy life on earth, even as it falls down around our ears. Everything has been orchestrated for me to be able to let go of one of the most crippling patterns of my existence. WOWWOWOWOW. Can feel energy pouting into the body that for 20 years has felt under the energetic gun. So for those of you having a hard time with these energies, those having trouble not believing what their senses are reporting, see if you can step back and look for the miracle. Ok enough. As I have resigned as world savior, I am less inclines to share. Please like this post if it serves you and then I will evaluate what I am guided to share in future. An yes, of course, savannah wrote that question, not mySelf.

Image may contain: text that says 'Happy Summer Solstice As the sun spirals its longest dance, Cleanse us. As nature shows bounty and fertility Bless us. us. Let all things live with loving intent And to fulfill their truest destiny.'

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