In our Wild Hearts group Saturday I had the image come forward as one sister was siting in a deep black hole that we were all roped together and that through our connection, no one could fall very far.The image was that as we “climbed” into the Remembrance of our own unity with Source, being roped together would prevent any one of us from falling into an irretrievable depth (as if such a thing were possible.) It turns out this sister had been an actual mountaineer (love how intuition guides us- I had no conscious clue) and that the one time she was seriously injured was when she decided to climb solo and fell thirty feet. Turns out we are all and have always been connected by an invisible “rope” that holds us yet in this case, it was more “visible.”
Since Saturday this sister reports feeling much freer and lighter. The other fascinating experience from Saturday is that one of the members spotted a way that this mind was caught in illusion. He asked if I was willing to be guided in a dive into that limitation in what he called a role reversal. The old me would not have been able to handle that letting go of the role of facilitator particularly as we has someone new in the group for the first time. Now it was an absolute delight to feel so held by all in the group. How delicious to let him take the “reins” and lead me into a deep “wound,” experiencing the exquisite release that came from diving all the way into that ancient grief.
The funny thing is now I seldom have a preference for what state arises. These sacred tears are as welcomed as any moments of bliss, all held in the vast zero point. With each passage it seems as though the vastness within expands, extending far beyond this body. It is so delicious to float in this vastness.
And yet yesterday for about an hour, this one was caught in resistance, saying no to the discomfort squeezing the spine. So all that i could do was say yes to the no, yes to the resistance, love the whole bloody glorious mess that had me scarfing down cashew nuts. And then peace descended again, the hammock beaconed, cool breezes kissed the cheeks (definitely celebrating cool breezes as we head into the heat that is the not too distant future.) The “vaster” this one becomes, the more grace and ease. Simple, not always easy. And interestingly feel like i have to but so much in quotes as I real eyes how little is Truth at the absolute level rather a passing understanding that has not yet fully landed or can not be spoken of in words or only conveys a partial truth.