Postcards from the edge:
There are times when I can’t stop laughing as I witness what is happening and think if they made this into a movie, nobody would believe it. It is like the shows I watched as a child, light against dark, good guys trying to stop the bad guys from world domination. So last week I was caught for 48 hours seriously in anger, fear, disgust, concern, attack energies as the pieces of the plandemic puzzle fell into place. It took 6 days to come back out the other side KNOWING Love holds no grievances.
Part of me really wonders what will happen when the shock waves hit the collective of real eyes-ing all is not as meets the eye. When Nouk said to me 2 1/2 years ago it is not real, don’t believe your problem is real, I had NO CLUE what that meant. While much of it is still an intellectual understanding, I sometimes truly forget that at the level of form, this virus is “real.” I had such a strong desire not to wear a mask when briefly in the tire store. How can I make this real? This is despite and because I know so many are truly in great suffering, panic, even terror. I have been tempted to fall into sympathy. Yet last year when I had the privilege of moving through most of my remaining fear in one fell swoop, what was absolutely invaluable and helped me the most was having a sister by my side saying you got this, this ain’t nothing, that little thing? Peshah! So to anyone taking your precious time and energy to read this, I say you got this whatever it is. And yea in this now moment my back in seized with tension as I try to know what to do with a situation that is causing doubt and uncertainty. The contrast of all the times I have felt such certainty is so strong that it is difficult to love those aspects of self lost in scarcity, doubt, uncertainty. Yet if there is one thing I have real eyes-ed is that is ALWAYS in all ways the answer. So each day all day long as often as I remember, I send love to those little orphans, so long abandoned from this one’s heart. I apologize and ask them how I can be more kind, how I can support them. And then I go back to the the business of focusing on what I want to create, how I envision my life, I focus on feeling abundant, thanking my husband (he’s out there somewhere) for offering to bring me a drink while I was basking in the hammock. I giggle and laugh, then I cry and weep. Like a child flowing from one emotion to another without questioning the why’s.
We are living through an epoch changing period, We are all heroes and so many have gone before paving the way. To shift in consciousness prior to now was heavy lifting at least for this one. Now all can shift at lightning speed and for this I am grateful. My dear friend just took the time to tune into me and help me shift some programs still stuck in the brain. This neck keeps cracking as eons of tension releases. I find I must be extremely vigilant to catch the programs of limitation and scarcity that are still buried, running the show until they are seen and blessed back into the nothingness from which they arose. I find I must s l o w way down to stay present and a million times a day see I have slipped onto the past the future the problem. Maybe only five bites of the meal are fully consciously eaten. Yet maybe yesterday it was only four so hurray! I had no idea how many layers of unconscious programming there were and when I read of others releasing programs I had not even considered, I sometimes get intimated. I am inspired by tales of adventures now living off the land and I am delighted to be more aware of the incredible bounty offered within a few thousand yards of where I live. To let myself feel and be as I am without coming in with the spiritual propaganda that seemingly demanded I be perfect, saintly, always loving and kind. Bah humbug. Maybe that’s why I swear so much. Shit!