This is the final assignment of a 21 day abundance challenge I did with my brother Wyn Evans. I was asked to share it so I do so here:
I, Savannah, gained so much from this experience of a 21 day Chopra abundance challenge. I live in the foothills of the majestic Sierra Nevada Mountain range. During this process, I felt/ saw past images of scarcity arise and caught them, returning them to the nothingness from which they had emerged with gratitude and a no thanks, no longer necessary. And on the day I left an old playground of scarcity to enter a new playground of abundance, I had one of my most financially abundant weeks possibly ever, despite a global quarantine. I became increasingly aware how it is old thoughts and limiting beliefs, limitations that still create in moments of unconsciousness. I was able to bless them without judgment yet sent them off. I experienced ever increasing gratitude for the multitude of blessings that fill this one’s every day realty.
I was sorry that for various reasons I did not have this as a group experience and delight in observing and expressing abundance with all who choose to play with me.
In answer to the question what do I offer, my gift is an open heart. My true north is Love, joy, compassion and I offer myself to these values every day in every way my inner Knowing guides me. Given current circumstance, my choice to center my life in Joy and let go of any remaining ghost images of fear seems increasingly vital. I adore supporting anyone who is interested in a similar journey. What brings me fully alive is sharing with other love leaders interested in creating a world founded in inherent abundance that does not need to rest on a foundation of constant growth that invariably harms the planet by unnecessarily taking of her precious resources. I am enlivened by a world resting on a foundation of equality, enough for all, joy, sharing, community, connection, intimacy, celebration. I love to play and discover other playmates with similar values and intentions.
My primarily focus is to support those who wish to live in joy. Letting go of life long anxiety was foundational to the gifts I offer. Letting go of the fear that dominated my life for way too long fills me with compassion and a desire to support anyone else interested in a similar climb. May the force go with us as we create this glorious new earth!
This experience revealed to me layers of deeply buried grief about poverty, inequality, destruction of indigenous people, slavery. Yet it also revealed to me that there is great beauty and yes, a great abundance in the spacious vastness of an open heart that holds all in beauty and gives praise. I also discovered more unconscious ghost images of dearth consciousness that were keeping me circling in scarcity.
I became even more certain of the constant state of abundance that fills my Now. I truly was not aware of the incredible magnificent of the trees that have stood sentinel on this land for so long while I mostly ignored their gifts. I fell even more in love with clouds and blue sky. I became even more enamored in bird song and the quintessence majesty of silence.
I had just finished writing this when I got an email letting me know a beloved had just sent me some money. This was the perfect ending for my 21 day Abundance challenge. About five days ago I was sitting on my property when the Amerigas truck drove up. My immediate thought was, oh no, my savings have been reduced and last week all my clients canceled, this is not time for an expensive bill! Yet since I was in the midst of immersing myself in abundance, I immediately caught that ghost image of scarcity and affirmed, I will easily and effortlessly bring in enough to pay this bill which is, on average, $750. So I was absolutely delighted when I saw, through some donations and unexpected clients, I did in fact make $700 in 4 days which for me is a small fortune. I was absolutely delighted yet again affirmed it would be the full $750. Imagine my shout of delight when I saw this beloved sister sent me EXACTLY $50 from her God pot today! I so appreciate the donation yet more I appreciate witnessing this miracle of abundance, of creation, of giving and receiving. My heart is so full to witness how I can leave that old lie, that old false limitation of scarcity that had seemingly plagued me since quitting the only salaried job I had decades ago. Not easy to move beyond fear of financial scarcity yet, especially given these seemingly unstable times, so richly rewarding and fulfilling.
Last image: tree-of-abundance-carol-cavalaris
So much gratitude for all the wondrous images freely given.