Beloved Family, community,
I am guided to speak a bit about my experience of the current circumstances. I have been guided into solitude, I suspect primarily as I am receiving so many downloads so rapidly that it is hard to keep up. Yes, I have had to cycle through fear, allow, feel, love it. This one’s fear is mostly for a loved one who may be making choices that feel less than ideal. I have also gotten swept into the how can I have absolute control of everything I touch, anyone who comes near me fear. I had to see it taken to the level of absurdity before I could regain my certainty and power. One of the most remarkable aspects for me is how calm I generally feel, how actually exuberant as these circumstances have brought me to a certainty, of being informed by the Mystery moment to moment what to do, where to go/ when for groceries, who to reach out to, what to write etc. I cannot tell you the relief that no longer needing to depend on the human savannah has brought. This connection to Source energy is the greatest gift and current circumstances catapulted me more fully into this awareness.
I am writing now as I see so many caught in abject fear. The news is conflicting, often inaccurate, often worst case scenario taken as fact. I just read a report that specifies some of the ways the news is being reported inaccurately that is contributing to massive fear, even panic. My heart goes out to anyone having that experience. I tell you for sure there is an element of trance fear in this situation. It will serve the collective in so many ways but that doesn’t mean we have to be caught up in it.
My favorite lesson of A Course in Miracles is lesson 135, if I defend myself, I am attacked. I have spent my life studying this, learning to integrate my own limitation programming, fear buttons until now the triggers are rare and generally not too severe. There is a way through my darlings. It is when you own Knowing of yourself as Source energy, Knowing that direct connection. If you look closely, you will see there is no other permanent, eternal answer, nothing else can possibly satisfy. I assure you if a girl from Ohio can get there, moving toward sustaining this awareness, this connection to Source, so can you.
The road can be perceived as painful, most be perceived as painful as the Course and my brother David would tell you. Yet if you look deeply, all the attempts at control are simply not working and this leads to deep concern and stress. The immune system really does not like stress and stress is the cause of 60-90% of all accidents and illnesses so letting go of stress is rather important. The focus of my work is resting in love, moving through whatever stands in the way of that which is always fear. I still give 20 minute free consultations and most of my work is with people in other states and countries and thus done by phone so even if you are local, phone sessions are amazing and in some ways even more beneficial. If I can be of support in these times, please feel free to reach out. Know my heart is with you.