silent devotion

I received this email which I believe is from my friend Dean, it was unsigned. IT speaks very much to what is up for this one so felt to pass it one:

GOoD AMORNing SavannahšŸ˜Š

I AM… ever-amazed by the freshness which arises through ā€œSilent Devotionā€ & felt this Offering was worthy of sharing with you.Ā šŸ’žšŸ˜ŠšŸ™

The ā€œPracticeā€ of Silent Devotion is a choice, discovered without choosing, which connects us with Grace and proceeds to Offer ITSelf in many formsā€¦ one being a sort of auto-pilot to a variety of experiential unfoldments.
IT, over varying periods of time, Offers a progressively finer Way of seeing, of simply observing. For as the restrictive entanglements of attachment continue through Silent Devotion & Grace to be unraveled, a fresh Way of BEing, a new Way of seeing begins to rise into our awareness. As one emerges from the ā€œPrison of Entanglementsā€, they find their BEing feeling LIGHTer and LIGHTer, and that they have been reformed into that of an observer. As the clouds of circumstances and happenings continue to unfold before us, the mechanics of entanglement no longer have the power to place labels of ā€œGoodā€ or ā€œBadā€ upon them, nor are these circumstances & happenings permitted entry to take root into our ā€œIā€dentity. They are merely clouds which now pass quite easily, allowing the LIGHT, yes, the LIGHT from withIN to shine through, clearing the Way for us to Truly See as the Mountain of Attachment which they previously would get piled up & stuck against has been leveled. The one and only problem we ever truly had was the apparent consciousness which perceived and labeled the circumstances & happenings as problems. And this consciousness along with its perceiver has NOW been disarmed. A circumstance or happening which would get stuck ā€“ allowing itself the time & space to be labeled & rooted as a ā€œproblemā€ in our awareness ā€“ is NOW simply witnessed from the freshness of our observation post as it is released to move on.
Without knowing or choosing a destination, but simply remaining with the Practice of Silent Devotion, It welcomes one into the realm of BEing
ā€“ ā€œin but not of this worldā€ ā€“
True Freedom.

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