I Am- our Identity

Words of wisdom from our brother Dean Turner:

GOoD Day Dear Ones –

I found myself triggered earlier this week by a friend’s behavoir. I realized this to be a story of mine which i thought had been uprooted, but apparently not as here it was again staring me in the face. Yearning to release this “Old Story”, I invited this trigger to join me in Silent Devotion. Following is the Whisper which was Offered from withIN which felt worthy of sharing:

As with the Thoughts which stream through our awaken consciousness each day, some come & go with relative ease, while others, for a variety of reasons, linger for a period in time. These lingerings abide in us because we, in some way, identify with them. As these lingerings are permitted to abide in us further, they begin to grow roots… stepping into the form of our apparent “I”dentity. These “things” which we allow into the formation of our “I”dentity, are likened to a projector which casts an often misunderstood series of images, of happenings onto the movie screen we call life. As these thoughts secure their roots in our “I”dentity & grow together, they have a propensity to become intertwined & entangled beyond our conscious awareness… allowing these roots to reach into the realm of our subconscious mind where habits are formed and where the appearances on the movie screen of life appear to be beyond our control. Should one choose the Devotion to immerse INto Connection & Reflection with the Frequency of the Heart, the projector has no choice, as it is only a neutral instrument, but to cast images of LOVE, Joy & Harmony onto the movie screen.

“Where did this come from?” “How did this happen?” These are the preponderances which frequently arise with the experiences which are deemed to be both “good” & “bad”, but most often they arise with the “bad” things which have garnered our attention through the discomforts which they appear to offer.

As we move through the doors of awakening, we often find this process to be painful. “Why must this be so?” one may ask. Well, the doorways of awakening are Offered along an ever increasingly & narrowing of the Path designed to aid in the shedding of the now fattened layers of the eGO which have been gathered along the Way. But you can BE and rest in assurance that on the other side of each doorway, each shedding, there awaits the experience of a LIGHTening to the Way of our BEing.

Know that pain, when permitted to linger unattended, evolves into suffering. But when we choose to accept and simply BE… with the pain, it is prone to move through us more quickly, as acceptance grants us access to its release where the nature of our True BEing can be freshly remembered. Our True BEing… being THAT essence of an effortless & INfinite consciousness which remains ever-Present & eternally patient; knowing our return to IT is inevitable.

The pomp & circumstance of a more or less entangled “I”dentity is NOT sustainable. For the continued strength required of us to support the way of the ego is ENORMOUS & can NOT be maintained indefinitely for it simply becomes exhausting; naturally coaxing our consciousness toward an ever-increasing yearning of an ease to our Way. It is important, without enabling, to be (the) patient with this evolution, for it is likened to the fruit on a tree which appears hard & inflexible until one day it begins to ripen; and only then will it become soft & sweet. Until then, the mind, which is not actually you, may say – “I still have a lot of work to do.”, or “I have a long way to go.”, or even “I am very close to getting there.” This chatter has nothing to do with our Truth, but are merely an egoic construct in time to distract. The question is, will we allow ourselves to purchase these thoughts, these distractions, these entanglements? or are we willing to accept the emptiness of currency along with our emptiness as the reservoir to receive & reUNITE the True Brilliance of our BEing? For unless I missed something in the courses of human anatomy, we were not created with a cash register within as an organ to process such a transaction.

Our “I”dentity has been formed, substantially if not entirely in the egoic mind. It is here that a series of entanglements have apparently been created, a system of weaponry, a storehouse of chains, handcuffs & bars to keep us imprisoned within its little self. The pain & subsequent suffering we have experienced is actually designed to enCOURAGE us toward its disarmament. Choose to reside in the paradox of the fullness of the emptiness withIN & simply observe as the mind chatter along with its delusional weaponry dissolve into such a choice.

Challenges are a catalyst to develop the muscles of transcendence. May this awareness not permit the enablement to a perpetuality of challenges; nor an affection for these infections. Will we choose to continue remaining in the state of awareness where our perception is that of our BEing is being mugged by the mind, by an “I”dentity which has adorned a costume and is often scary, but which is in NO WAY our True BEing? As we develop a “Practice”, then when the pomp & circumstances surface to pull us down the rabbit hole of pain & suffering, we simply remain calm where it cannot touch us. This “Practice” will often guide us to the origin, to the roots of this formation within our consciousness or sub-consciousness. If so, NOW we’re getting somewhere, for it is from HERE that we are able to disentangle, to de-attach from these entangled roots… allowing us to LIGHTen & rise up through the forest where we can see more clearly through the trees… and BEyond. Then, as we have risen through and above these rabbit holes of entanglement and look back for just a moment, we realize that they’ve been filled through our Devotion, and we are no longer able to spiral back down into them as we have previously done again & again & again. May we continue to INcrease our attention on this rising INto our True BEing and not the minds tug of war via its delusionary creation of the rabbit holes and its dimming of our LIGHT which can have us lose the sight of our Way & fall in.

The rabbit holes housed in an apparent consciousness & their related entanglements spoken of here are the egoic mind’s way of keeping us tethered to its dark, subterranean realm and into “thinking” there is no way out. There is a “Body” of Consciousness, the Body of our True BEing which is not designed to house, support or sustain the egoic mind. This “Body” is and has ever been (the) Present in you and I will tell you where you can find IT… right on the UPside from the “mind”field of the rabbit holes.

BE willing to step into the fire of Self discovery kNOWing that you will not be burned, but only that which is not you will dissolve into the Flame & your True BEing will then be freed to “come-BUST”ing through the ashes.

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