This so powerfully matches this one’s experience. So magical to receive these words that for me express the inexpressible. thank you Nicola!
I see you
dear heart
I feel you
Trembling on the
precipice of Truth
You have found
a door
Ready Now
like never before
resting in the openness
of pure longing
Feeling the ache
of vulnerable
undefended heart
As life humbles
you into not knowing
The threads of thought
that bound
You are tasting
the raw beauty
The magnificence
of soul’s quest
You can no longer
turn away
by the Beloved’s gaze
Stand in the eye
of the storm
In the silent centre
As surrender comes
Tears and laughter
are One
The rumble of release
shakes universes
and shoots stars into
new realms of brilliance
Pristine clarity
Ever present
Your radiant heart
is holding it all
is holding you now
Sweet love
Welcome home
to the One
you are
Heart of Being Sangha
clare purna ma