ride that wave

For decades I have been saying ride the wave! It is my call to freedom yet today it landed in a new way. It is just a ride. I have been taking it oh so seriously! OMG I fell for it so hard yesterday I have to laugh. This is what is being shown to me. As I rise above the fray I see unity consciousness everywhere and this heart sings! I see the web of connection. I see with new eyes the inherent glory. I see how our wounds call us to negate another, need them to change so we can be ok. Oh how so many of us have suffered. A dear beloved was telling me a few details of the backstory of another beloved. IT was wrenching at the level of story. Every single sensitive I know who has woken up or is waking up has there own tale of horror or trauma. We have been a traumatized species so it is no wonder so many are wandering around basically with the energy of where’s my mommy? Beloveds, I urge each of us to take a stand, to ask ourselves how can I serve. Yesterday I channeled my sister Kim who would never pass by a person in need. I saw an old woman in front of the library tugging at the door. I had just run to the store to buy one missing ingredient for my 5 day fast/ liver cleanse. I felt a strong desire to get home yet I paused and said, may I hep you? She said she could not get the door to open. I said yes, the library is closed now. Oh she said and slowly teetered away. This heart was filled with such love for her in this moment my connection to her is an earth angel expanding this heart. May we see each person through the eyes of the beloved, then the world will know peace.

Image may contain: 1 person, smoking and text
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