My soul partner David W Fierce just came up with this description of the group I will be facilitating starting this Saturday at 11 AM Pacific. He was the first person to sign up for the group over a month ago and we have been collaborating ever since. Here is his amazing description of the intent of this group:
This is a gathering of brothers and sisters. This is a gathering of Hearts and Minds. This will be a collective of souls joined together to take on the privilege of desiring to learn a new language; desiring only to learn the language and give up their desire to propagate the need find specialness through their suffering. This is for those willing to learn the language of the Heart.
Those courageous members of this collective, will want to approach each other with an open mind and allow their hearts to speak. There will be no masters here, only those with experience. Understanding is not required as no continued learning will be done. No complicated instruction will be given. Although, continued understanding may come and the reading of certain text may contribute to such understanding and may feel useful, no assignments are planned.
The ego’s playing-field is not where this gathering will take place. Upon the ego’s playing-field, all games are rigged in favor of the ego. The ego never loses a home game; time is on it’s side. We will not attempt to argue truth in the courtroom of illusion. This game will be played where the ego does not even have the proper equipment and doesn’t speak the language. This game will be played on the soft, loving field of the Heart.
The only requirement to play is to have an open mind and the willingness to give up suffering. The willingness to give up familiarity and the willingness to achieve freedom will also be helpful. This is a game that you will win.