happy family

My soul partner DJ gave me permission to share what for me is both a very tender and remarkably powerful story on how when we see ourself as cause of all that occurs around us, are willing to take responsibility for all that shows up in our lives, miracles are the inevitable result. Here is what is happening for DJ with his elderly father, in his own words:

What is so very cool, is that all these changes have occurred by simply joining! All these years of trying “different approaches” with my interactions with my father to no avail. By simply being aware of bodily sensations when he “pushes my buttons” and sitting with these sensations, has caused him to seem to change into a completely different person. Now my mother is brought to tears over watching us interact. It is the “happy family” that she has always dreamed of having, It has been so wild!
Over just the past month, I have had times where he will act like a crotchety old man, complaining about the prices of things, showing mistrust of people and agonizing about this or that happening or worrying about what may happen. And I feel a scream building up within me! I resist saying anything and just go within and focus on that scream. The all the sudden, like magic, like someone froze the scene and replaced him with a different actor, then restarted the scene and he becomes soft and even humorous.
It’s hard to explain how surreal it seems sometimes. We usually joke and tease each other now, when we used to yell at each other constantly.



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