On neediness and co-dependency:
While on hold with a company, I reviewed a journal I had come across written in my mid-twenties. I saw about three pages in which I constantly lamented why my boyfriend did not want to spend every minute with me, wanted to take time to write for God sake’s! I complained because my roommate wanted to spend time alone with a close friend visiting, even though he was clearly closer to him then I was. I cringed as i read, truly concerned for my younger self, reading with such deepcompassion. I choose to release the journal without further reading as I already have enough trouble jettisoning the past. Yet I was left with an indelible impression on how grievously wounded I was, how desperate for love and affection.
To come full circle, less than a week ago on Friday the 13th I was able to cut lose my last attachment to a special relationship. I am not saying there are no vestiges, I really don’t know. I am saying I was willing to do it, more importantly ABLE to do it. It literally brings tears of relief and gratitude to my eyes. How extraordinary to live in times where the frequency shifts allows us both to unearth and finally, to embrace our most wounded self, bring these distraught aspects back into the fold of wellbeing. Can I get a hallelujah !
I know very well I am not alone in this. And for those still lost in the trance of separation, as I certainly am in other areas of my life not yet fully Remembering, I extend my deepest knowing of Who we are which is always the antidote to all (false yet that can take forever until we truly SEE) appearances of calamitous wounds. I bow.