Embodying miracles

Miracles Day 32: The last day of this 32 day process and so succulent, I am definitely more miracle minded. So delicious to witness so many daily miracles. The best miracle of all? To step ever more fully out of the ego thought system and feel neutral about so many previous triggers. To see blessings everywhere and seldom fall into victim. To have a heart open to love and intimacy and an ever deepening commitment to authenticity. To join with so many like hearted people worldwide and close the gap of the false appearance of separation. To bath yesterday in the crystal elixir of Lake Tahoe and feel revitalized. To not be trigger when various pop quizzes arise to strengthen my resolve to see only innocence and Love, to feel freer, strong, more supported then ever before. And a lovely closing miracle? To have a standing question answered this morning about why it appeared as though I have had so little external support since my marriage ended 7 years ago. Answer? To serve my highest good by restoring to wholeness my previous life long neediness and co-dependency and discover/ Remember an internal Support and know it as Who I Am. I hope some of you have joined with me and discovered more miracles in your life. Big hug and Love. Tomorrow will probably start a new 32 day process as it is so excellent in supporting me in keeping my attention on what works, not on the false appearance of problems.

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