Miracles Day 31: a bird’s song going straight to my heart; recognizing ever more fully the Divine is not something I connect to, it is something I AM; so much gratitude, deep realizations continuously; committing to knowing I am supported and having my eyes open to so much support that was previously unacknowledged; used to have a great fear about days where I was barely functional wondering how I would survive and now deeply Trusting those days are ideal and serving me through deep upgrades and that all is well; looking through just a few pages of a 40 year old journal and having such deep compassion for the extremely needy, co-dependent to the EXTREME person I was and then seeing that the pages i looked through were the perfect antidote for my next client; watching myself want to plan and control a project that is very near to my heart yet witnessing myself being very honest, dropping control (sometimes) and turning it over increasingly to Trust; thrilled with the level of radical honesty that now feels almost automatic and clearing up two withholds from a neutral place and watching the miracle of intimacy and joining unfold; having a number of clients have breakthroughs in months, weeks, in one case, a minute that took me years to real eyes back in the dark ages (pre- 2012); see clearly how I valued external support more than internal support and having the perfect situation arise to wake me up out of that when someone unfriend me (first time any one told me that) because she perceived me as unsupportive, feeling deep love and compassion for her after just a moment of separation and seeing her as a miracle buddy helping me see how I had minimized the incredible internal support I feel as I yearned for more external support.