A cr*p, thought i was done for the day but my buddy Jeez asked me to write about one more awareness. Happily, not too long ago I resigned as world savior and now only write for the Joy of it. But Jeez asked me to write more on my latest crystal awareness that has dialed in for some time yet finally landed. Can we just stop judging the cr*p out of the ego, out of our humanity? Yes, of course we are at choice and everything can serve us but this constant lamenting and hair tearing has just got to stop. big, dilemma, huh? We know it is our consciousness that is creating the illusion right and left. so better beat up the creator, right, see if we can get him/her to toe the line. Not so much. As my new friend Sebastian says with his gorgeous South American accent, “Jesus loves our humanity.” Got that kids? Nobody is judging the human, ego aspect except us. We are trying to annihilate it, crush it, bury it. Much better to love and cuddle it, sing sweet love songs, ask it what it needs to be restored to peace. Turn it all over. “We need do nothing.” Let ourselves off the hook. Anyway, that’s what my buddy Jeez asked me to share with you. It has been a page turner in my life, so glad this knowing is finally landing more fully in the heart.
Let go of the apparent challenge in the two images below. Turn it all over, surrender, Trust.