
On humility:

Yesterday I got to recognize how ra-ra-sis kum-ba I have been, how arrogant, how I have used spiritual ego to ride slipshod over suffering in a “no worries it is all good” manner. My own former despair at the human condition had me go to the other extreme of pushing away so much in the name of being spiritual. My sister Theresa‘s post yesterday about loving the dross, having nostalgia for the density, seeing the value of always saying yes helped me uncover another false identity of spiritual ego, having to be world cheerleader, taking on a role of no matter what happens, it is all good. Yes, that is the Truth, yet currently I do not have that Knowing embedded within thus I had to scream it to the rooftops to convince myself, bulldozing my own humanity in the name of an un-lived Divinity. How many times will we try to push away the present moment with the goal of a superior, more wise, more advanced, more loving, more something “other” that seems so much more ideal then where we are in the now. I commit to stopping this false value of a “better” self. Not much clarity, just need to come clean. So glad one of my TTC sisters is in the same place. Get to see it even more clearly. The identity of the “spiritual one with advanced consciousness” is a difficult one for me to let go of as it has held so much value for me. A play in progress…

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