bon voyage

I want to honor a soul sister today. When she was down to her last $10 a friend told her to either give it away or to buy some inexpensive food and celebrate with friends. This she did and took a huge leap toward embodying abundance. Abundance is trusting you have you whatever you need when you need it. This she knows in spades. She departs today for a gypsy festival in France then probably to Tunisia and onward as her heart desires. Her courage and faith truly inspire me. The money to begin her journey came from a generous friend. She is leaving without the financial security so many of us have chained our lives to. She has no plan for financial support, no plan to return to the USA. Her heart is full and she is certain to live a rich, alive, joyful life. I salute you dear friend. Please join with me in sending her our love and appreciation for being such a way-shower of the new path of abundance where money is no longer our false god. Minds are joined so she has smoothed the path for all of us.
May the road rise up to meet you. May angel wings carry you effortlessly. May all be well, and all be well and all be very, very well. Blessings Theresa.

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Her heart is full and she is certain to live a rich, alive, joyful life. I salute you dear friend. She leaves with no intention to return, being guided only by her heart. Please join with me in sending her our love and appreciation for being such a way-shower of the new path of abundance where money is no longer our false god. Minds are joined so she has smoothed the path for all of us.
May the road rise up to meet you. May angel wings carry you effortlessly. May all be well, and all be well and all be very, very well. Blessings Theresa.

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