what wants to take seed in the new season?

Happy Spring/ Fall. As we enter the new season, what is asking to be birthed in you? What wants to take root? What brings a sense of aliveness or joy? It can be a desire to plant something, bake something, share something. What brings you more alive?

I woke up in the middle of the night and read in “A Course of Love” about the way of Mary. In our society the way of Jesus, the masculine, doing energy gets the most recognition and acclaim. The way of Mary is a way of being. I used to judge myself for that being the major flow of my energy, wondering what was wrong with me. Now I am very clear on my purpose yet I used to judge my primary energy being more feminine flow, being rather than doing. Eckhart Tolle calls us frequency holders, holding the new energy leading what ACOL calls “example” lives. Many agonize over not knowing specifically what there purpose is, what they are mean to do. The way of Mary does not include a specific “…doing” that is makes our lives meaningful, gives us our purpose. The way of Mary is much more fluid. ACOL says “you know not what to do… You see no specific accomplishment in your future, but see instead a way of living as the ultimate accomplishment… Those with the way of Mary are content with a way of living.”

IF you have judged or condemn being this way, not having a specific purpose, spend time grieving that self judgment and forgiving yourself. We each contribute in our own way, each contribution is essential to the whole. I celebrate each and every one of you!

Love this image, so sorry I do not have the source.

Image may contain: nature

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