When intense upgrades such as the recent partial eclipse occur, if we choose to ask and wonder what miracles will unfold the wake of the upgrades rather than question our worthiness or wonder what we did wrong, it may ease our hearts. These times are urgently calling us to remember who we are, to know we are not a body, to witness and relish our eternal natures. While the upgrades occur, gentle I love you’s, time in nature, Epson salt baths, quiet time, slowing down are most helpful.
Yet ultimately it is about remembering who we are, reclaiming both our innocence and our unlimited magnificence. All triggers that arise are gifts alerting us to the space within that has forgotten our true divine nature. All require our forgiveness for the forgetting, nothing more. We merely (ha, the million dollars merely) forgive ourselves for using ANYTHING or ANYONE to appear to separate us from the Love of the Divine, from the Love that we are.