
The eclipse packed a wallop. Many if not most of us have been reeling ever since, attempting to regain balance in these more rarified energies. I notice many of us love leaders have been called to alter our media presence and way of aligning to our soul purpose. I see Elizabeth Farrimond. Andrew Martin and Lisa Brown to name a few pull back. Many of us are needing to go deeply inward to find our authentic voices and actions. Personally, I was almost completely out of commission over a month. Luckily this time I did not fight it( too much) or become concerned. I knew deep integration was flowing as I moved from bed to hammock whenever possible. The increase in my creative abilities has been quite significant. I am seeing thoughts and emotions manifest instantly, no matter how radically they depart from “reality.” The trick is to bend our minds enough to let go of defined limits of reality, to witness we are now in miracle territory. To believe this we must release the old and embrace the new. Do you believe you can raise the dead, cure disease, bring wholeness to another? I see more frequently that is simply my mind, my beliefs that determine how unlimited I am. There is part of me still shaking my head knowing we are not in Kansas anymore. Years ago I taught a class called Open Sesame. Yet my frequency did not match my intent so little showed up. Imagine my astonishment and pleasure of now increasingly finding this my current “reality.” Clearly, reality isn’t real, it is what we say it is. To envision this for eons is one thing, to experience it directly is another. Mama mia baby, there is no limit.

Love how this movie explored releasing the limits of mind.

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