feel it all

What to do when feeling out of sorts? Take your  medicine, feel what is arising in your body, welcome it, ask what it needs, invite all yourPainting - 'Ballerina in Blue' by Gino Severini

Painting – ‘Ballerina in Blue’ by Gino Severini

feelings in for a cuddle. That is today’s suggestion. If this is a new practice for you, you may want to limit the time you do this. Perhaps you need to start with just a minute or two and gradually build up. If you can, take five minutes today to say hello to what you are feeling, listen to what it has to say, acknowledge it. If you can, offer compassion and tenderness. If that is mission impossible, just say hello, I see you, I hear you, I have the intention to welcome you even though right now I just can’t. Even this will begin to break the logjam within, give these frozen emotions a bit of freedom. Maybe hug a stuffed animal if that helps.
I also hope you have spent a little time saying I love you’s and remembering Who you are. I know it takes more tenacity then we may feel capable of, hang in there my loves.

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