I am resting in some really subtle awareness of the critical nature of embracing everything, such a difficult teaching when things seem to go “wrong.” I saw the book I have been reading for over a year about another’s journey of awakening so parallels my experience. Two pages jump out at me and I will see if I can copy them and paste here. One example. When the check engine light came on at the same time I realized I had gone to the wrong location for a meeting, my body went into reactivity. For maybe 5 minutes I was cursing, heart pounding, deep breathing, agitated energy. I then caught it and affirmed all was well, loving the one who was so upset. Turns out was a defective gas cap. The man said he normally charge $89 just to look at the car. It cost me $20 in total with the new part. What i witness is the more I freak out, the more I get to freak out about. The more I trust and surrender, the more I have to trust and the easier surrender is. Definitely a 1 to 1 correlation. Just saying.
Hours latter, being tested. My daughter and I both lost our wallets, her’s had lots in it. Do I want to react and curse? So far still neutral, loving what is, sigh. Very impressed my daughter is also non reactive despite having most of her money in there. Wow
Below is from a book I am reading that validates and supports exactly what I am discovering. Not always easy but enough knocks to the head have convinced me to embrace what is. Otherwise experience has taught me more of the same shows up. I get it is in service to remembering our unlimited nature but I am still not thrilled with it.
Savannah, thank you for sharing this book. I just purchased it and glued to it! Blessed be. NadineMarie
So glad you found it helpful. Yes, it helped me let go of the idea I was slow or just not getting it when issues would circle around and around. Lovely to see you hear dear one.