Matt Kahn says we do not have to get our way in order to be happy. I can attest that is true. In many ways June has resembled April in the number of things that have gone “wrong,” not gone as I preferred, dealt with significant expenses and still have no income for over a month. Yet my perception has changed dramatically. I do not see these things as problems. The level of faith and trust i have has never been higher. I sometimes think I am in the twilight zone trusting all is well despite any evidence to the contrary; if so, I’ll enjoy that zone. I see so many around me deeply suffering and that motivates me to get the word out that this is not happening to any of us personally, it is about awakening to our nature as divine. I now no longer question what arises. I merely assume it is for the highest good. Many things lately have not gone as planned or desired yet generally it has no impact on me. Perhaps at most I feel mild discomfort, aware of my preferences. The freedom and joy of not suffering anymore after so many years of terror and panic is such a gift all else pales in comparison.
I am also adoring how supportive and generous people are being, going out of their way to help me. An employee at the store yesterday offered to bring us her college book on photography when she heard my daughter and I are wanting to go on a photo safari. I keep being gifted things, everyone honors my requests when they can. The world is beginning to look magical in many ways. So I can allow things to definitely not go my way and still be at peace. I am curious what magic awaits me as I keep getting fortune cookies, tea bag messages, angel cards and other signs from the Universe success is about to show up. So I hold my faith to my heart and proceed through the unknown.
Darlings, my greatest wish for you is that you trust what is arising. I know when what is arising resembles a nightmare it is super hard to believe it is for the highest good or will lead you to the promised land. I know it is hard to stay strong when all seems to dissolve beneath you. I know it is easy to blame yourself, to take it personally, to think this is only happening to you because you did something wrong. NO NO NO. This is not the case. I wish I could Vulcan mind meld (think Mr. Spook) so you could see what I see and so it was easier for you to keep trusting despite all evidence to the contrary, so you would know absolutely this is not your fault and that you have done nothing wrong. For now, would you be willing to trust me that I am telling you the absolute Truth? We so got this beloveds.
We have had some huge solar flares and sun activity. Combine that with the power of the solstice and we have some MAJOR energy on the move. It is serving us when we allow and embrace it, when we are willing to feel what we are feeling. I know it is not easy. Get support if you need it. We must all ride these waves of transformation, ready or not.