Feeling super inspired by my soul sister Maureen McClements who agreed to let me share this with all you dear hearts here:
I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.
John O’Donohue
The word you are looking for is Activate. How do I activate what lies dormant within me. How do I as an adult now activate what was not nourished and developed in me as a child to be active as I am now, my own worth that sits inside me in wait. Our subconscious mind has been programmed to be unworthy so we continue to live that out every moment of our day. I had this in spades too. Now you have to start doing the worthy programming. You need to nourish and grow yourself, you need to blossom it into being. Only you can do this, no one can do it for you. Matt (TrueDivineNAture.com) has offered some miraculous radical accelerating practices to activate our own innate goodness aka worthy that lives buried inside us and bring it to the surface. We speak words out loud or silently to ourselves or whisper quietly in public. We do this all day everywhere we go. These words are ILYs and compliments and blessings and intentions and celebrations and the words we’ve all wanted to hear, we say them to ourselves and to everyone we meet and pass by all day long. It’s a very simple practice but very radical in its effect in us and in everyone we encounter all day long and the whole of humanity. And it does not take long to activate what lies dormant in waiting inside us. And it works, I’ve been using Matt’s practices for 15 months now and it is working very well for me.
1. Say the words you want to hear – what are the words that you had wished your parents would have said to you everyday as a child growing up? These are the words that would have developed your worthy, that would have activated it within you, that would have connected you to your worthy. Or what are the words from anyone you would have liked to have heard, from your spouse or friend or sister. Say those words to yourself now. Only you can give yourself what you want, only you can, no one can do this for you. eg. I would have liked my Mom to say to me often “Honey how did i get so lucky to have you as a daughter? I am so blessed to be your Mom. I love you so much, you are so beautiful to me, I just adore you, I love waking up everyday and seeing your beautiful face.” And say words to other people too you think they might like to hear everyday.
2. ILY’s, say I love you to yourself all day long, say ILY to everyone you see all day long even if it is only silent in your mind or whispered under your breath, say ILY to the dog and the tree and everything around you, not just humans. Everything is divine in nature.
3. Celebrate – start to celebrate yourself in every way possible all day long. Recognize yourself and all you do all day long. If you walked from one room to the other room celebrate how brilliantly you did that. Do this with everything you do all day. This is the path to awakening your innate worthiness that lies await within you. You must activate it yourself, its the only way to find your worthy, bring it to life, bring it to the surface. Reprogram your mind to see worthy and not unworthy by doing very simple but radical practices all day long. Matt has two great videos out on this at youtube. Too Good To Be True and Anchoring a New Consciousness. You even celebration how good you were at getting angry, how brilliantly you did that.
3. Compliments – compliment the hell out of yourself all day long. Say the things you want to hear about yourself. Start to recognize how well you do everything and compliment yourself on it. And compliment everyone who crosses your path all day long. The cashier at the store who checked out your groceries.
4. Bless everyone and everything everywhere even if you say it silently or whisper it. As that person passes you on the road as you are driving say ” I wish you much prosperity today.” “I wish you much abundance” “I wish you love”
“I wish you many blessings of joy and happiness”.
5. Intention – Matt’s new most excellent video on youtube, The Essential Key to Intention. Live your life by intention by design. Find an intention for everything you do all day long. Say it out loud. eg. As you are eating say with every bite of food I take may every child in the world be nourished today.
These are very simple practices, but oh so very radical in effect. This is how you reprogram yourself to feel the way you want to feel, goodness all day long. This is how you activate and bring to life your own goodness worthiness confidence love and beauty that is living inside you now only waiting to hear your own words to bring it to life and live it everyday. It is there, waiting, it only wants to hear you speak to it and it will jump alive within you so fast. It is waiting to hear from you. Start speaking to it now and don’t stop. This is so easy and it works and it doesn’t take along time. Even if you don’t feel it right away just know with every word you speak it is activating within you, its building as you speak. Its an accumulating effect. Its energy that is gaining speed to then explode out of you. It’s just like a bank, an inner bank, it accumulates. Put one dollar in and you have one dollar, but keep depositing dollars and eventually you have $1000. You are building your worthy bank. You are activating your own self, your own power that is there, waiting for you now, just start now to access it. It is ready, it loves you, it wants you, talk to it now, say the words, they are your words, the words are you. You are made of goodness words. You are goodness itself, you truly are, you were born as goodness itself, you just forgot, now remember. Use your own words to activate what has always been within in, always been there, its your birthright. And only you can call it forth now! And just the fact that you are even aware and asking about where is my worthiness means you are ripe and ready NOW to activate this for yourself AND it also means YOU have everything you need to do that now AND it means its time. That’s how ready you are now for activation of this and integration of it. And crossroads, paralyzed just means you are ready, you are in the right time at the right place and its a good place to be and its not a foggy or stuck place, it just means you are ready to active something for yourself.
Sure it may feel unnatural at first to do this practice, and that’s only because it is foreign to your subconscious mind, it has no program track for it. But just love what arises in you and keep going, push past the old programing in a very loving gentle soft way as you practice your way to who you truly divinely are, the new program will soon take hold, blossom and activate.
I love YOU, you are magnificent and brilliant and beautiful and wonderful to me, you are magical, you are pure divine goodness to your core and you deserve all the glory that you already are. I love YOU.