renewal and rebirth


May this post find you celebrating your own unique magnificence. May you know what a gift you are to me and to the planet. May you cherish your own heart with tender care. May you honor and appreciate your self as the masterpiece you are.

This Easter Sunday finds me experiencing mild waves of loneliness. We were blessed with a lovely Easter package from my sister in/out law so I got to have the experience of what used to bring me such joy, opening a present. Yet today it is so clear the true gift is my own presence loving the vulnerable part of me, allowing her sadness and truly cherishing all of me. I am grateful that I can allow this nostalgia and merely be with what is arising. Last night I looked through a woman I admire’s FB pictures. She is surrounded by her large family and extensive community in every photo. This has long been my yearning despite the fact that I prefer spending time one on one generally. On holidays I always want to be part of a large family or community. A very close friend was one of six and I yearned for family gatherings like hers even though I heard how many fights, petty squabbles and unkindness often accompanied these events. This family ended up in major cut offs and separate camps. Yet I still yearn to be part of a larger community in person, like what I experience with dear ones online. Today I can let that yearning and the lack of fulfillment to coexist. Of course, I yearn for a peaceful community and I honor my choice to stay out of drama or relationships plagued by conflict. I would surely rather be alone then with such challenging relationships. These are slowly developing, more each month. I adore my own company and find this yearning  rarely seems to arise anymore and only in unique circumstances whereas it used to be a more global sense of something missing. So today I love my own heart regardless of how my day turns out. My original plans are for an outdoor event and it looks like they will be canceled due to rain; this in a drought! Sigh, the Universe seems intent on helping me move through this wave of attachment so I will let it play out (like I have a choice). I have other plans too. Regardless of what occurs, and I can’t help but notice April seems to be bringing both amazing synchroncities and abrupt changes in plans, I intend to find the beauty and celebrate the mystery. Sending each of you the most giant love wave.

hearthug savannah

2 Replies to “renewal and rebirth”

  1. Love and blessings to you too on this Easter Sunday. Your Easter reads very much like mine. Although I am usually a church-goer, I avoid Easter like the plague…..standing-room-only crowds, sneezy lilies, and a LONG service (I heard the carillon at 1:00 today, which means 2 hours!) For me, there’s very little spiritual about it – just a big performance. Tho the music must be glorious (brass & timpani, organ, large choir of men and boys). Better to feel a bit lonely. Never did like the extended family dinners when I was younger, back in the Midwest, tho there wasn’t much if any infighting, etc. At least on the surface. I too thought I’d do something outdoors, but we’ve had enough cold rain to make park benches etc. not very pleasant. Hope we get more, as predicted. So far it’s not been enough to wash the streets. But more important to get rain/snow for the reservoirs.

    Big hug. And enjoy your gifts. 😉
    Love <3

  2. Thanks sweetheart, really moving through some goo but I went to dance which moved a bit of ugh and then went to lunch spontaneously with friends and had a hat party. Despite being with people, feeling very edgy. Sigh. Sending you a gorgeous love wave, hope your day brings and unexpected joy.

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