14 Replies to “moving through fear”

  1. Thank you Savannah and for thinking about me. This was such a beautiful video, thanks for sharing. Yes let our heart lead the way 🙂

    • So glad you enjoyed it. Yes, I often thinking of our little family and since those of you that comment are flung across the globe, it keeps the sense of being a citizen of the world alive in me. Each morning I greet all of you in my heart which gives me joy. Sending a delicious love wave to Norway.
      giant hearthug

  2. Oh how lovely sweet Savannah. I also think of you as my family, and when going to bed (not only then, but going to sleep is my most lonely time) I think of you. When I feel the fear and anxiety I think of my sister Savannah in USA and also Thrisa in Australia and all the Love from ower TWYH community, and I feel that I am loved ower the hole world. Then my tiny bed in Norway dont feel so little after all. I feel that we are so connected true the inner web of love.
    And It feel so good to come to this site and feel your love sister.
    Hearthug from me 🙂
    And thank you for the love wave, I send it back now with my love to you. Xxx

    • Darling,
      It was this comment sending an arrow to my heart that let me know how much it was hurting. I did not think about what I wrote about, in fact I planned and began writing about something else entirely and then my fingers took over. Only when I read your words did I feel a relief wash over me and notice how tight my body was. It was then when I realized this thought that has not entered my mind in years, this pattern of feeling inadequate when comparing myself to others with success in the world’s terms was still alines somewhere within.
      I love that you think of us before bed. This process tends to be a very lonely one as we must fall back in love with ourselves and others tend to distract us from that mission. I assure you it is not personal, there is nothing wrong with you and everything right. You are clearly a dear being and I am glad you can lean on this love community. I can also assure you it is temporary, I am now finding my way back into society. More importantly, I never del lonely anymore as I am so here for myself. I know you will too. giant hearthug of thanks and appreciation.

    • thought of you with this:
      TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 03, 2015

      WILL YOU BE AMONG THE CHOSEN? – Ronna Herman
      Your sensitivities are increasing, and your needs/desires are changing. You are becoming a person of peace, and you will greatly value your solitude. You will feel uncomfortable and no longer desire to be in social situations of lower vibrations. You must experience aloneness in order to discover who you truly are. You are unique and must learn to act from an intuitive level, not an emotional level. This must start within as you begin to withdraw your energy streams from others, and go through the process of cutting the cords or energy streams that others have attached to you via your solar plexus. Remember to bless them as they follow their own path, and you follow yours. You will be at peace in any situation when your beliefs are based on truth. You will know that you have moved into harmony with your Soul Self when you have no reactions of an emotional nature to the seemingly negative events in your life…
      … Many of you have begun, or are ready to embark on, your true mission, whatever that may be. Please keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to become a conveyor of Love/Light. You must live your truth, as you learn to traverse the higher Path and fly your vision. You must claim and acknowledge every facet of your Being, as you strive for harmony and unified consciousness.

      Beloveds, we know there will be some pain, discomfort and fear, as you move through this accelerated process, as all the radical changes take place within your world. Know that, together, we will overcome all adversity. Our mission is to open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire to return to Heart-centered, Soul-focused harmony. Know that each of you can and will make a difference. Dear ones, when you doubt, need inspiration or strength, come into your Pyramid of Light, and we will give you courage, lift you up, and inspire you. When you feel lonely or unloved, move into your Sacred Heart center, and we will be waiting there to fill you with the radiant love of our Mother/Father God. I AM Archangel Michael.

  3. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=em-upload_owner&v=5CiZrddeYjE

    This is the link to my very first Youtube video I created of my photo and love. This was my first step to move beyond my fear and share my heart and love for photo, sun, ice. This is my voice and I was afraid of critic but got only love back. I know it is just a “amateur video but this was what I could do with my techno skills. Good enough for me but so scare that other people would not like it. But enough is enough. I cant be responsible for others response. But I got only love back when I finally shared.
    So thank you Savannah for being a source to find my voice and share it with the world.(well a small part of it..lol)
    My next step might be that I create a video with my photo and I read/talk….something about Love or maybe I will ask you to cocreate a video with your voice of Love and my photo? Maybe that is a good ide if you feel into it sister.??
    Love Malene.
    Maybee a video with a lot of I love yous…? That would be cool.

    • Darling I only have a minute until I must leave. What a beautiful antidote you are for the self doubt I am feeling today. I LOVE your idea and would love to participate. You are a godsend for me today and I look forward to listening and responding more fully. I am almost crying at how my heart fills to read your words. so much love savannah

    • Darling, You are a godsend. I have no clue how to do UTube and I know this is my next step. I love that you did this and am so proud of you. Gorgeous and I feel the love. Am having computer problems in case you don’t hear anything for a while. If my computer let’s me, will post your sweet video on both my Facebook accounts. Would love to collaborate! Will get back to you more when I have time, hopefully Friday if all goes well. You go girl!

  4. And so much love to you. Take your time and do what you must do. My tears to yours. I am so glad we have eachother. My self doubt will be less now:) Love and hearhug.

    • Thanks sweetie, biting the bullet and facing this fear even though it feels big in my body. Thanks for having my back. You should be sweetly sleeping right now so singing you a lullaby. I did post your video on both Facebook pages and it got three likes in three minutes! Enjoy your success.

  5. Savannah, thank you for singing my lullaby. Now its time for a new lullaby, its nearly midnight her. I am in Sweden with my husband, he has a class here. I spend the day alone walking the streets here. Felt so alone and notcomfortable. Whent to the church, sat for a long time just enjoying the silenc.
    When you said enjoy your success, I could feel the fear again. Oh god I am sooo fed up with fear.
    I love you sister, thank you for beeing here.
    X Malene

    • You are so welcome. I had no one except my daughter with whom I did not share my fear near me as I moved through the period of my bone crunching fear. Yet I did have a few friend scattered worldwide that I called on to help hold me through my terror. Usually it was a phone call. It is so much easier to go through this with support. We are energetic beings and as such can call on another’s energy to hold us. Lovely you went into a church to be supported by that energy. I know how the fear gets so old. Yet I promise you this. If you stick with it and allow yourself to feel it in your body when it arises, you will get through it and come out into a freedom that cannot be expressed. I know how unbelievably challenging it can be yet it is doable and you will get throughout this. Keep the faith.

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