Wishing you and yours the joys of the season. For me it is a strange time as I must be very careful how I expend my energy as I continuously feel very amped by the intense energy bombarding us. It is very curious to me that the last five things that had given me peace or joy for so long are now flat: presents, cappuccinos, little trips, sugar and even my last special relationship no longer ring my chimes. I am grateful I was able to go to a lovely party last night despite feeling depleted and enjoy it without going out of body, feeling overwhelmed, overeating to ground myself or any of the other challenges I have had much of my life. I could be present in my body and enjoy myself despite feeling such intensity in my body. MIRACLE! I am grateful not to be feeling the despair I hear too many report. I am sooooooo grateful that I sustain my self love no matter what obstacle arises. I am also grateful that I am not concerned at this flat feeling interspersed with very quiet, subtle moments of joy. I feel the expansion in my body and know it is good yet grueling. I somehow sense and know my future looks bright and I can slog through the last obstacles with relative peace. I feel the depletion of energy, the waves of exhaustion, the curios flat energy, the seeming scarcity yet I can remain faithful to my vision, even though so little of it has appeared in physical reality yet. My vision is clear and I hold to it despite all evidence to the contrary. I applaud my ability to hold in my self love no matter what. I know beyond all doubt this is what has turned the tide of my life, was the demarcation line between my old life and new one. This is the miracle long awaited and now continuously celebrated. I emphasis this as I see several dear friends who have done so much inner work in despair or hopeless. I know the energies are strong. I know these times take great courage. Yet hold on loves. The beauty is inside of you waiting to burst forth. Have confidence in it. I trust all is well and I send this wish to you, may you remain certain in this very intense, often arduous and debilitating journey to clear all obstacles to love. May you know your own strength and courage. May you feel the return of Light and the birth of Christ consciousness, Love consciousness. Above all, may you know all is well.