symptoms and surrender- the greatest hits

Still experiencing butt kicking energies. Symptoms include sleepless night, fatigue, overwhelm, freezing cold, sweating, fogginess. I feel like a hit parade of all my old challenges are arising for a curtain call. I had several days of extreme hunger leading to hyperglycemic type symptoms which I have not experienced in years, an infected toe, grouchiness, sensitivity to noise, feeling like I am being hit with n electric wire with my body buzzing, feeling intense pressure in my head. While I am generally able to stay out of future negative fantasies or story, today I was tired of feeling so off balance, never knowing when these intense symptoms may arise. I am having so many creative miracles arise but I still do not experience much joy. I have never had so many invitations which is fun and my connection to community is flourishing. I cannot fully imagine what my life will be if the predictions are accurate and the initiation or incubation phase for all of us first wavers subsides and I actually would feel good all the time. Luckily I am generally able to not have the physical challenges turn into emotional upset. But the last days have not been fun. I am very grateful that I maintain faith and certainty that all is well and this is leading us to ultimate freedom. But i gotta say, it will be fine with me to see the backside of all of these challenges. Some of them I had not experienced in years and had forgotten how painful they can be, how debilitating. Hang in there my loves, the surf is up!body surfing

2 Replies to “symptoms and surrender- the greatest hits”

  1. “Butt kicking energies” is right! Too many solar flares, and perhaps too much rain all at once. Felt good this morning; this afternoon, too many “ghosts of Christmas past.” Or at least the feelings that went along with them. However, if the weather gurus are correct, we may have nearly a week of rainfree weather starting tomorrow. Sure hope so! Maybe the mood will level off, and the bones stop aching so much?

    Has your poison oak cleared up? I sure hope so.

    Thank you for sharing. May we all find more “comfort and joy.”

    Big hug!

    • Amen sister, yup, too much of everything but good is in the air too, I feel and see it. Yes, sun would so help me rebalance and come to ground. I have had so many wonderful invitations yet feel I must sit in silence and hopefully in sun too and take all this momentous shift in more slowly.
      Yes, thanks for asking and remembering, it did clear off. I said it would only be a week and after a week it was manageable.
      Will be in your neck of the woods again after Xmas, maybe we can meet again, will contact you later. Hang in there sweetie! xoxooxoxox

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