I’ll be publishing a newsletter tomorrow if anyone wants to sign up before hand. Sign up is on right side bar.
2 Replies to “Newsletter”
Thank you Savannah, you are truly an inspiration in these trancision times. Perfeckt newsletter and website. I love how you “walk your talk” and now “talk your walk” 🙂
So nice to read your experience and how you create.
Love and blessings to you sister.
Malene ♡
Thank you Savannah, you are truly an inspiration in these trancision times. Perfeckt newsletter and website. I love how you “walk your talk” and now “talk your walk” 🙂
So nice to read your experience and how you create.
Love and blessings to you sister.
Malene ♡
Thank you darling, lovely to hear from you. Love to you dear sister, may the road rise up to meet you.