harmonizing with today’s gifted children

I am deeply moved by the incredible wisdom, presence and internal strength I am graced to witness so often in my daughter. Raising a child who never does as told “because I said so” has been an incredible challenge. We went through so many knockdown drag outs as we came into conflict again and again. These children are unique and gifted and we cannot raise them as we were raised. Not that that went too well for many of us but these children require us to raise them in love or pay the consequence of conflict and disharmony, one I was not willing to pay. When my daughter was 5, we were at a new thought church. A practitioner from the church saw us have one of the first of many conflicts, in this case over her keeping on her Easter dress she was unwilling to wear despite an agreement we had made that had taken maybe 20 minutes to hash out. The practitioner told me she and her mother were both strong willed, as both my daughter and I are. She told me they hated each other. The moment was frozen in time for me. I saw my my relationship with my daughter headed down that same path. As time progressed and the separation between us deepened into more frequent arguments, I knew I had to find another way.
When my daughter was born I fell into a period of frequent joy as the sense of separation that had plagued me always was swept away by her state of unconditional love. This was what I had yearned for all my life. Her entire being radiated love. I fell totally in love with her but unlike various relationships with men, this one lasted beyond the honeymoon phase, lasted fairly continuously until she was 2 and still frequently until age 5 when her ego kicked into higher gear. I was no longer able to mainline her high frequency of love and it was like going through withdrawal. I was not a happy camper.
The sense of separation after so much joy and love was literally unbearable to me. I have written before about the turning point where it felt like I could not go on as it was. (http://raisedinlove.com/…/07/choosing-to-keep-our-hearts-o…/ )From that moment things began to change. I had to eat a lot of humble pie in the process but somehow we managed to tame each other. It is only in the last half year or so that now we shake off disagreements within minutes if not seconds, usually with a laugh. I knew we are now where I always yearned to be when two days ago my daughter said it is amazing how well we get along, given how different we are. Yup, it sure is. The respect and deep appreciation we have for each other is one of life’s greatest gifts for me. And all this while she is a teenager.
This journey to harmony with our children, to love within families is one of my great passions. To that end, I will facilitate a group on these topics- current group  March 8, 2016: https://www.facebook.com/events/1651053195146679/
I am totally unfamiliar with the person who wrote this article or the validity of this person’s channeling in general. All I know is so much of this written below is my direct experience and one that so few people seem to recognize. My deepest wish is that the love we have for our children will motivate us to restore balance in all our relationships. It truly breaks my hearts to see parents and children in conflict with no clue how to jump outside of the knots they have wrapped themselves into. May we all be blessed with harmonious relationships with each other.
I was thrilled to come across this article as it articulates so much of what I have discovered.
..”.Your children have all chosen you for specific purposes – not only your qualities as a soul or your characteristics as a person, but for your genetic coding. As these children choose to come into form, they also support their parents-to-be in the intense processes of reconstructing the genetic programmes with which you came into this life.
These souls have very specific plans, as I have said. Therefore, they need a very solid foundation from which to build the structure of their own lives. Those who do not understand the energy of the new children – Indigo, Crystal, as well as Golden children – have adopted a label for these children, and they are labelled either as hyperactive, or what you may be familiar with – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or Attention Deficit Disorder. We can safely say that at least 92% of these children have been misdiagnosed. Their energy is so different to what the older generation is accustomed to that they are being totally misunderstood. This has caused severe disruptions in their energy fields. However, there is always method in madness, and these souls are also offering the gift of enlightenment to humanity by showing them that they are not dysfunctional, but are, in truth, simply different.
They have come to show the world that a new way needs to be found – must be found – for the consciousness of humanity to survive the changes that you are all facing at this time. These children have very strong wills, especially the Golden children. They come into this world knowing precisely who they are and why they are here. The next time you are in the company of a small child – a baby or a toddler – take some time to connect visually with this child. Look deeply into his or her eyes, and make the contact. You will be amazed at what you see within these children’s eyes: their wisdom, their wholeness, their confidence, and of course, their power…
…The new children are already – many of them – speaking words quite clearly before they are 18 months old. Their ability to conceptualise ideas is quite phenomenal. Their motor skills are highly developed, and their senses even more acute. These children are so in touch with who they are that they do not allow others in their environment to deny their own truth. Those of you who are parents to these children will notice that your child will show you exactly when you are denying your own truth. Their tantrums and their moods are not only because they may be uncomfortable or sad; they will act out what you are not. They will show you what you have forgotten about yourselves, and remind you of the truth of the divine plan that you agreed to – to come in service. And as each day passes, you move closer to even further awakening. …
…These children need to be honoured, and need to be respected. If you expect these children to respect you, you have to lead by example. This is the only way that these children can be disciplined. Discipline – as Kuthumi has explained on numerous occasions – is not punishment. It is teaching. And if you want to teach your child how to value himself, you have to value your self. The boundaries that you set need to be honoured, and you need to ensure that the souls to which you have been assigned to act as guardians respect these boundaries. These children will test your boundaries – pushing them to the very limit, because they need to understand what exactly you are all about. They cannot feel safe in their world with you if they do not know you. So be prepared for this. Be firm. Always be truthful, and above all, always be loving in your families. Children need boundaries to develop a strong sense of self. This allows them to explore the world and themselves in a safe environment….
…They have come to change the medical world; they have come to change religion into spirituality; they have come to show the world that a new system of education is imperative, and that learning your ABC and divisions and fractions is not the beginning and end of everything. These souls come to teach that a certain quality of life must be experienced in order for a certain consciousness to be present, and this is why you are finding that these children are having learning difficulties. Many of them are also being labelled dyslexic, or perhaps they spell phonetically. The reason for this is that the old education systems have never been balanced. They are showing a new way through their responses to the old systems. It is vital that you honour this. Because they are in a smaller body than your own does not mean for one minute that they are less intelligent than you are. They are still in touch with so much of their truth that, in fact, many of them do know more than you do, and they have more Earth wisdom. And they certainly have far more soul wisdom – which is sorely lacking in this arena. This is not a judgment; this is a fact – due to the systems that you have been raised in. And we celebrate the opportunity for this to change. Put your pride aside and let them show you a new way…

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